Friday, November 9, 2012

Oh how time flies...

Things have gotten super busy around here lately that nothing around the house seems to be getting done, blogging included. 

Here is a little recap of our October...
Haiden turned 8 months old! 

Haiden started to crawl!

Haiden is starting to work on feeding himself!

It was Haiden's first Halloween!!! We did a family Star Wars theme :)

Haiden carved his first pumpkin...with absolutely zero interest. 

Haiden got to wear cute outfits all month long!

We made a scary picture at Mommy and Me

Haiden got in some epic play time with Daddy

Haiden started sleeping like a goob

Haiden's first pumpkin: the Angry Birds Pig

We decorated the house with homemade decorations

The Angello Clan was attacked by vicious zombies

We attended a baby shower, for a baby due right before Haiden's first birthday!

Haiden helped mommy pick out his pumpkin...I had to tell him these were too big.

Haiden enjoyed his first Halloween, trick-or-treating for candy for mommy and daddy!!

Haiden helped mommy out at the book fair, making her decorations come to life, with the help of some awesome ladies! And we also helped out at the book fair. 

Now it is already November! Morgan and Declyn have been in and out of the hospital these last few days. Declyn has RVS and a small bit of pneumonia, and has been admitted for three days now. I thank everyone who has had them in their thoughts, he is a tough little booger, but he does not feel well at all :( So please continue to keep them in your thoughts as he gets better and better, and hope that Morgan doesn't end up sick after this.

On a lighter note, Haiden is now 9 months old!!! I still can't believe he is so big already, and before we know it, he will be 1! 

He just started the Army Crawl last month, but already wants to get up and walk this month! He will scoot around until he can face us and slap our hands, until we hold them out so he can push up and stand. He does pretty well with making steps too! 

The Book Fair is over, and again, the librarians are too nice to me! They let me have Cloud Atlas and Following Atticus for just helping out so much! They really rock. And their awesomeness doesn't stop of the ladies, talked to the Assistant Principle and boasted about me and how much I help out, without having a child even attending the school. I was pulled to the side, during Family Night, to meet the Assistant Principle and was offered a job. Just like that. On the spot. I was asked to teach an enrichment program starting in January for 90 minutes, over any material I wanted!!! It's crazy, how much I have wanted things to start turning around and when I least expect it...BAM! I now have the grueling task of creating a resume :P Oh how I loath them, due to my dabbling over the years, I find it hard to make a resume not look like that's what I do. But with the help of friends and Zach, it should come along shortly. I also met some wonderful woman volunteers while working the Book Fair, and plan to get together with them soon. I'm making friends and making an impact here...finally!!! I also started a Crafty Wives group for the base, with a lovely woman I met volunteering, who is an amazing crafter and we already have so many ideas on what to do. I couldn't be more excited!!!!

Zach had his PRT and weigh-in which he passed with flying colors. He got home, and showed me this app they have now for Navy PRTs and it shows you how well you did based on how many push-ups, sit-ups you did as well as how fast you ran the 1.5 miles. He didn't realize he only had to do 5 more push-ups to get the highest rating of outstanding. He has gotten an excellent the entire time he's been in the Navy, which to me, IS outstanding. He gets to be put in a group of other excellent PRTers for PT, which he says is always fun and exciting. He has also taken on two huge tasks at work, that he is excelling in as well. And in two weeks we see if he rated up or not...I'm super anxious to see how well he did!! 

Tomorrow we will go down town to see Zach march in the Veteran's Day parade! Which is pretty cool. He is going to be exhausted with working security today and then again on Sunday, but it's all worth it in the end. Plus, he gets Monday and Tuesday off. AAAAnd we get free food Monday, for Veteran's Day, can't beat that! 

I hope everyone had an amazing and safe Halloween, and we can't wait til Thanksgiving, which is fast approaching. We get to go home and celebrate our thanks, with our family and friends...can't beat that either! 

Friday, October 12, 2012

Sister Sister!!!

My loverly sister came down to visit us for the three day weekend!! It is always great to have family and friends come visit, I just wish it could be more often and longer visits.

We had a blast!! When she got in we hung out at the house catching up and having her meet a friend of Zach's. Zach made some awesome queso, that was pretty epic, and the first Angello Clan queso to turn out well lol.

Monday we went to a baby expo across the river. It was insane!! I had never seen so many strollers in my life! They had a curtained off nursing station and changing station...there were babies and kids EVERYWHERE!! A lot of the booths didn't pertain to us since there were things specifically for pregnant women, insurances, kids with teeth, and photographers. But there were a toooon of handmade baby clothes, that were to die for! Seriously some of the cutest things I've ever seen, and we now know we can get Haiden and Declyn matching holiday outfits, custom made! There were eco-friendly toy companies, and MLM business you could get into or host parties through. There was also a booth for kindermusik, which Morgan had done with the boys she nannied, so I was familiar with it, and didn't know they had here. There is also going to be an indoor playground opening soon, that is like the old school DZ Kid Zones, but all soft play and totally more awesome! There were even cupcake booths, as well as diaper cake booths. After about 2 hours, we made it out and had a bag of business cards and websites to check out. Over all it was super fun and interesting to see all the stuffs they had. As we were leaving, Morgan slammed Zach's hand in the door, and so that was the only mishap that day.

Sunday we went down town since Morgan wanted to get a caricature done of Declyn. We took the ferry and walked around Jackson Square. She was able to get his caricature and find some prints she wanted. We didn't get to go to Cafe du Monde because it was a Saints game day and the line was half way around the block! But we got to eat down town at New Orleans Seafood and Burgers, where she got her fried fish craving almost taken care of. The restaurant had a thin fried fish po-boy, and she was thinking thin would be like half and inch...their version of thin was maybe 2 cm! It was pretty much a fail, but she liked it. Then we headed home because Declyn had spit up all over Morgan, she had forgotten his formula, cut her finger, and when she made a bottle using our formula she shook it...with out the lid/nipple and was covered in formula. But at least we got all of the things done she had wanted to do before everything went down hill. We then rode the ferry back to our side of the river, and it was freakishly cold. The entire day was windy and colder than we had thought, but with us walking around it was perfect since we didn't end up getting all hot and sticky. 

Monday we went to check out City Park, it's basically New Orleans version of a kiddy Central Park. This park was the coolest thing, I never knew existed here! Unfortunately, the museum and botanical gardens and amusement park were closed on Mondays. But we were able to walk around in the sculpture garden, which was gorgeous. We then walked around this little lake where you could feed an array of ducks and geese, and we walked passed the Storyland. Our kids would have gotten in free, but we had to pay $3, and decided to just walk around the outside of it and check it out. It was the coolest thing EVER!! I have never seen anything like this, in a park!! It had all these huge story book characters made into playground sets, and larger than life props to climb all over. Zach was laughing and making jokes about how excited I was about everything! I am still such a kid at heart, and when I see awesome things for kids, I get so excited...because it's a place for kids to be kids and not playing video games in their houses all day. And the park has an awesome antique carousel that is a favorite amongts even the oldest of people, and a they light up the park like crazy for the holidays! Plus I saw a Tilt-A-Whirl in the amusement park, so we are most definitely going back...just not on a Monday next time. After we walked around some more, we were all hungry so we drove out of the park, the long way and checked out everything else they had there: tennis courts, dog park, paddle boat rentals, a football stadium, horse back riding arena, and soccer fields. This place seriously blew our minds! We proceeded to our side of the river to take Morgan to our favorite Mexican restaurant, and had some margaritas! 
Then Tuesday rolled around and Morgan headed back to Texas :( But I'd have to say, this was one of the most entertaining visits. We actually know our way around the town enough to take people places, other than the base, and it's awesome!! 

Thursday, October 11, 2012


I have realized that becoming a wife, mother and military spouse has actually not been as easy as I thought it would be...

Let me start back a bit...when Zach and I started dating I knew he was going into the military, it wasn't something that he decided one day and then left. So I knew it was coming, but 'out of sight, out of mind' was the case here. The time seemed to go by very fast and before I knew it we were on our way to Austin to send him off to boot camp. This would be the ultimate test of our relationship. After having lived together for a few months, and moved once, we would now be apart for a month...and not just apart, but we would have no contact except letters. Who writes letters anymore?! So every day I would write out a list of things I did and keep them for a week, sending a giant package of letters and pictures (even qtips, which were confiscated!) and every now and then I would get a letter from Zach. The first letters I sent daily were returned, since the address we had been given wasn't the right address. So I get a letter from Zach two weeks in, FINALLY, where he is so sad and depressed sounding. None of my letters had gotten to him, and he was freaking out that I was breaking up with him or just didn't care enough to write him. This broke my heart, since I knew I was sending them. Once they were returned, I realized what had happened, and then it would be another three days before he got those letters. All the while I wished I could just call him and say, "they are on their way". I missed him so much that I would even call his phone and leave a voice mail, just to have that feeling of no contact lessened. While he was gone, I moped around the house, not knowing what to do. There was no one to talk to any more, no one to watch movies with, no one to fall asleep on...well except the five cats. After about three weeks I decided I needed to keep going, as if nothing had changed. Chin up, right. So I started to go out again with friends who had been neglected since Zach and I started dating, I went back to frisbee, and with all my other free time I started going to the gym. By the time his graduation was here, and I was in Chicago with was so surreal! He saw us and didn't really smile or anything. He just wanted to get out of the base and into the real world. But, that was hard to deal with, having all these emotions of excitement and anticipation, just to be ushered out of the hanger where graduation was. But that was really ok, we had an entire weekend together. One day with his mother and sister and me, and the next two days just me and him! We had planned to meet up with some of my Ohio friends to have them meet him and hang out in Chicago. Well we find out that he has to go back to the base 4 hours after he leaves. Which was no big deal, sad, but no big deal. He and I would be hanging out the rest of the weekend together...until I got a call at midnight saying he is heading to the airport right then, and leaving for A-school right away. The airport was over an hour away, and we were barely going to make it, if we left right then!! The drive to the airport was such a blur, I just remember leaning forward in my seat hoping that that would help us get there faster, as if I were propelling the car forward. We get there and Dana, his sister and I jump out, and run inside. We were lucky and since he had orders for A-school we got to go through the security gate with him and wait for his plane at the terminal! While waiting, Debbie was finding parking, and we met Jamie Lee Curtis! Again a super surreal moment!! And then he was gone again, just like that. The rest of the weekend is another story for another time...let's just say it was crazy!
A-school was in Pensacola, Florida and he was going to be there for 6 months, and then who knew where he was going. Boot camp was romantic, even if it was hard to deal with, writing letters was the sweetest thing we've ever done. A-school was a completely different ball game. After having no freedom for what seemed like an eternity, Zach now had some freedoms. The freedoms increased as the weeks went by, to getting his cell phone back, leaving base, being able to stay off base for a weekend, getting to go home for a day or two on the weekend if it was close enough, to getting to have a car, and wearing civilian clothes. Which is asking for trouble in my opinion. Zach would tell me stories about some of the guys he was hanging out with...and there was some pretty deplorable activities going on. And of course I trusted Zach, but in the back of my mind I was worrying about all the trouble he could be getting into. It was like he was turning back into this party animal, going out and drinking frat boy style every weekend. This is the first time a lot of the guys had money, and they were blowing it by doing guy things. And so I think A-school was the hardest for me to handle. Especially now that he had a phone and I knew I could call him and text him whenever. But I became 'one of those girls' texting all the time to check up on him, and asking him to tell me if he was going out and all that crazy stuff. It was like I finally had him back, but I didn't at all. I was driving him crazy, as well as myself crazy. Then on Valentine's Day I got to go visit him. He had come home for Christmas, and so it wasn't that long of a wait til February. Plus, the school let me have the days off, and miss school because they counted it as a military teachers were great about that, and did me a huge favor! 
That was a great visit, the initial freedoms had run their course and Zach was more of a home body now, but took me out for the weekend and we had a blast! Then in March he got his orders to be stationed at his first command...New Orleans! Only 8 hours away, how convenient!! So after finals, he came to Texas and we got engaged!! And I told him I would come visit him in July, half way between our engagement and our wedding! Everything was finally happening, and things were moving so fast!! And in the time he was in A-school, I had gone back to school, gotten a raise for the summer, lost 40 pounds...I had gained all of my independence back in those few short months. I ended up making all A's that semester, which I hadn't done since high school, and was so proud of myself. I was finally starting to get my life back on track...and then I'm engaged and moving two days after the wedding. I figured I could go to school once we got settled in, even though it was at the beginning of the fall semester right after that. I was so caught up in wedding planning and packing, I forgot to apply here for school. But that was ok, I would pick up school in the fall and everything would be ok, my life would still be going on the right track. 
Then we found out we were pregnant! It came as a total surprise and shock to us, I had been told by doctors I wouldn't be able to have babies; we couldn't have been happier!! So now I'm recently married and moved to a new state, and now I'm made it so hard to feel settled about everything. I had always thought I would be raising my adopted kids around my family, and everyone would help out and be together. We were newlyweds and we couldn't go out and party it up and enjoy the 'just us' part as much as I would have liked. But now the 'just us' part was making a home and going to movies, doing as much date nights as we could before the baby came. But when Zach went to work I was left at home, watching SVU on Netflix. I had applied at several places on base, but was passed up for families moving here and already being in the military for a while, so I got a job at the Farmer's Market down the road. I was able to walk to work every day and it was the perfect job for me...until I became too pregnant and wasn't able to do the heavy lifting required for the citrus season; I was let go. But I tried to work on the house and get things ready for the baby, planning the showers and trying to meet people. The end of the pregnancy I got an aggravated nerve and was in horrible, stabbing pain in my ribs, I wasn't cool to be around. I was uncomfortable and not getting sleep, so the grouchy me wasn't meeting people or making friends. 
Then before we knew it Haiden Eli was here, and then we were the new parents, who still couldn't go out and do anything. Our mom's came to help out and Morgan came up for the birth. Kelsie passed threw town and met Haiden when he was 2 months old. But we still hadn't been able to go home and have everyone meet him. And I was still pretty friendless, with swollen tatas, pumping every two hours and then feeding Haiden for 30 was not pretty. And I was so emotional, and I had a baby who was hungry all the time, I couldn't leave the house for more than an hour before I'd have to pump again. And my body had undergone all these yucky and giggly changes...I realized I no longer felt like that Holland as of a year ago. And it wasn't that I wasn't blessed to have a wonderful family and the opportunity to live in a cool city...I just felt like blah. My family wasn't here, my body was gone, Zach worked all the time, my friends had their own lives back in Texas, no one was my friend here, and half the time I was covered in poop or least that's what I thought I smelled like. It was all really overwhelming when I had five minutes to myself and would think about everything. 
Just within the last month or so, I have finally started to feel like that old me, granted a bit gigglier and different but still on my way to the old me. I now have a job where I can work from home. I volunteer at the school, and am in charge of the Book Fair decorations. I have an amazingly beautiful son, as if you guys haven't noticed! My husband is working so hard all the time, I couldn't be prouder of the man he is today. I go to the gym, walk, joined a few classes, and am eating healthy. And I think we are all doing pretty well, considering all that has happened the over the last year and a half. 
Engaged, baby, married, death, cancer, moving, loss, gain, new family members, nephew, mother, promotions, new job...and the list goes on. 
For anyone wanting the fast track, think again! I'm not saying people can't do it, but it sure does a number on your psyche. Hopefully the next go 'round will be easier since we will sort of know what's coming. And I am so thankful, for all my friends and even those in the social networks that have helped me with words of encouragement and advice. I know I never lost myself, I just felt...hmmm...overshadowed almost. As if I was still there, but everything going on around me, piled up around me so that when I looked out that was all I saw, instead of me. And I have finally realized how important keeping me in sight is the best thing for everyone. 

Here's something to think about...

When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar and the 2 Beers.

A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him.
When the class began, he wordlessly picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls.

He then asked the students if the jar was full.
They agreed that it was.

The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly.

The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls.

He then asked the students again if the jar was

They agreed it was.

The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar.
Of course, the sand filled up everything else.
He asked once more if the jar was full..
The students responded with a unanimous 'yes.'
The professor then produced two Beers from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar effectively filling the empty space between the sand.
The students laughed..

'Now,' said the professor as the laughter subsided, 'I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life.
The golf balls are the important things---your family, your children, your health, your friends and your favorite passions---and if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full.
The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house and your car..
The sand is everything else---the small stuff.
'If you put The sand into the jar first,' he continued, 'there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls.
The same goes for life.
If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff you will never have room for the things that are important to you.
Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness.
Spend time with your children.
Spend time with your parents.
Visit with grandparents.
Take your spouse out to dinner.
Play another 18.
There will always be time to clean the house and mow the lawn.
Take care of the golf balls first---the things that really matter.
Set your priorities.
The rest is just sand.
One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the Beer represented.
The professor smiled and said, 'I'm glad you asked.'
The Beer just shows you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of Beers with a friend.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Busy...and the pile continues to grow

I am so happy the weather is nice, and it won't give me the dreaded feeling of yuckiness even before working out. The heat inevitably puts me off of working out, especially if I feel even the smallest bit out of shape. I used to play frisbee three times a week during the summer in Texas, and now after having a baby, and some giggle that I've never had, wiggling when I work out...the heat just adds so much more yuckiness to the idea. 
This month, a total of 2 and a half days, I have:
Burned almost 1000 calories in just two easy workouts. 
Last month, the entire month, I: 
Burned almost 2000 in ten workouts. 
So nice weather I hope you stay a while, because 1. I'm loving this and 2. I NEED this!! :) Haiden is still getting used to our long mile, upon mile walks. Sometimes he hardly makes a sound, and other times he gets grouchy and fussy. Teething will not be the death of my workouts! hahaha. 

This week has also been so busy! I have run around in the grocery store, Barnes and Noble, World Market, and all over base. I have started volunteering again, and was asked to create the decorations for the Book Fair this year!! The theme is "Every one is an all star", but all the 'all star' type stuff seemed redundant and lame, to be honest. So I came up with the idea to make the kids feel like stars, and a Hollywood/Red Carpet idea formed. The plans I came up with look awesome, if I do say so myself, and the librarians loved it!! So I will be setting out tasks to other volunteers and oversee everything pertaining to the decorations!! Also, I have like 10 different laminated games to cut out, each with about 60 pieces. 
After all that cutting, I doubt I will feel like working on the illustrations for our kids books. Maybe we will actually get some of the writing done soon. We have three easy picture books that are pretty much finished with the ideas, and the story books are just in the basic idea stage. We have pretty decent outlines of them, just setting the tone and the rhythm is going to be the difficult part. Hopefully, it will all just flow from our brains onto the page and we can get an idea of what illustrations we need. All of my illustrations were inspired by my recent paper owl posters, so that is where the cutting of paper may be on the back burner after I regain feeling in my fingers from these laminated games!
Morgan may be coming to visit on Friday, so that means a little business in getting the house together to have 2 babies and 3 Leopold's here!! Poor Zach lol. But we are excited to see Declyn and Morgan!! 

Bee Pollen Smoothie
 pinch of flax seed
1/2 Tbs bee pollen
8 oz grape juice
1 can pineapple rings, frozen
3 cubes watermelon/spinach puree
*this smoothie was very light and refreshing, not as sweet as I sometimes make them. it was the perfect end to a great sore workout. 

 Red Pepper Hummus
I am pretty much addicted to this! I randomly put it together and it is so delicious, we have a hard time putting it down.
1 can garbanzo beans 
1/4 cup canola oil
half red pepper, sliced
cummin seeds
lemon juice
about 2 Tbs tahini 
Topping: sliced tomatoes and feta
all of these ingredients without measurements are for you to change, based on your taste, plus I eyeball a lot of it when I make it

Rotel chicken and Veggies
2 chicken breasts cooked over med-high heat in a skillet on top of Rotel
cauliflower, corn and asparagus steamed to slightly crunchy-
drained and tossed with white wine and garlic
serve together with chicken sliced and add cooked Rotel if desired

Monday, October 1, 2012

October spectacular!

I can't get over how exciting today is! I just got word that the company I work for has been granted a patent for its revolutionary oligo technology! I am so proud to be part of a company that helps millions of people every day get and stay healthy. Plus the fact that it continues to be on the forefront of new and inventive ways to keep helping! 

Plus this month is starting off with awesome weather!! 'Knock on wood!' it stays, even if its just for a few days at a time. I love the fall, it's the anti-spring. This is when everything changes to get ready for winter. All the leaves change, and some fall off making way for new ones and different colors come spring. The wind picks up and there is actually a breeze, and the weather gets colder. People start the bundling process, in which knitted hats and scarves are the trendy things. All those colors and patterns and textures!! I love it!! There is no better season than fall, in my book. At least, living here, this is my favorite season. In the south...summer lasts too long, spring not long enough, and fall seems to blend into winter, with the occasional bone chilling days that rate a million times colder than an Ohio winter in my book. Even the food changes, and we get into the oober homey meals, that fill you up and make you feel like a stuffed pig...but they warm even your heart. They warm your heart with all those feelings of anticipation you had as a kid, and family togetherness. This is when all the holidays start piling up, and family comes out from under the logs, of school and business, to slow down and come together. The year slowly starts to make its end, and as things end they become bitter sweet. You want to savor this time of the year, but by the time its all said and done, it seems like you blinked and it is already over. So take extra care this year, make the time last. Spend an extra hour out side enjoying the weather. Spend an extra minute in the warm shower of the morning. Spend an extra day just watching your kids play. Spend an extra lazy Sunday in bed cuddling with your loved ones. Spend an extra meal together as a family. Play more games, put up more decorations, just live more. I want to live in a place that has fall, year round!!

Haiden is now 8 months old!! I can't believe it. We are still waiting very impatiently for his teeth to come. We are still waiting for him to crawl, even though his squirming around is hilarious to watch! Even though he gets more frustrated as he understands more around him, and can't quite get the point across to us, he is the happiest little guy. He is all smiles and laughs, and becoming increasingly more talkative every day. He loves to sing and babble with different toys jammed into his mouth.  
He makes us so incredibly happy all the time, it's hard to imagine life before he came along. He has been such a joy, from the moment we found out we were pregnant and every day since. I love my little minion!! I can't wait for his first round of holidays! We ordered his costume the other day, and I am so anxious to get it and put him in it. I can't wait to get to spend all day outside with him, because hopefully the mosquitoes won't be as bad! This is just a super exciting time for us as a family :)

With the onset of cooler weather, I am starting to train again for the half marathon. My goal is to be wearing my old clothes by the time we visit Texas again for Thanksgiving. I did my own version of CrossFit or Insanity last night, I ran up and down our stairs, and would do lunges, crunches and jumping jacks in between. Then I did weight lifting with dumbbells for arms, with crunches in between. Then I went outside again and did run/walk/sprint intervals around our street loop for about a mile. I felt like jello afterward...almost like a clay-mation character about to get squished into mush! Yet, it felt amazing!! I have been walking 3-4 miles at night and was so proud of myself for running the other night for one of those miles!! 

Post Workout Smoothie 
8 oz orange/pineapple juice
1/2 cup blueberries
1/4 cup apple sauce
pinch flax seed
three frozen cubes 1/2 watermelon/spinach puree
1 frozen pineapple ring

I'm also doing a ton of volunteer work this month, the book fair is back at the end of this month, and beginning of November, I can't wait!! I love volunteering and I love books! Tonight we are putting up Halloween decorations, I cannot wait!!! *runs around* I love love love love LOVE this time of year!! 

Game Changer!

This is an exert from the now patented Oligo fructose. Oligo fructose complex is only in Melaleuca vitamins. 
Minerals are required as part of the human diet for good health. For example: calcium is a major component of bones and teeth; iron is an essential constituent of hemoglobin; copper, magnesium, and zinc are co-factors for a variety of enzymes;and manganese and selenium can function as antioxidants and contribute to endothelial integrity. Mineral deficiencies can lead to poor health and specific disorders. The human body requires traces of minerals, e.g., calcium, iron, copper, and zinc, insoluble form to provide metallic ions which are bioavailable within the bloodstream. With the increase in highly processed and convenience foods, however, there are concerns that the typical diet in today's conditions may not contain sufficient levelsof such minerals.
Naturally occurring minerals found in foods are often chelated or bound within an organic matrix. Minerals found in dietary supplements, however, are often in the form of an inorganic salt, for example, as a mineral sulfate. These inorganicmineral species are more reactive and can catalyze production of free radicals, which have been associated with various degenerative diseases or conditions, within the digestive tract.
Four years ago, my company, embarked on the patent process for Oligo. Two years ago, after the patent pending was checked against four categories: is the product unique, does any one else have it, does it work, and did you invent it. After this process was finished with four confirmations as to the legitimacy of Oligo, it was placed in the hands of the world. Competitors, scientists and universities around the world were given 36 claims, as part of the patent, to scrutinize and argue. They found, over the course of two years, that oligo was created by us, no other company had anything like oligo, and there were no prior claims to oligo's technology. They also found that oligo works, it is a technology that binds the minerals and vitamins together just like a plant or vegetable would. This allows for a higher absorption rate, compared to other vitamins, and does not have an explosion of free radicals, (other vitamins bound together with an inorganic salt has this explosion). And with out these free radicals our vitamin is healthier, because:
Normally, bonds don't split in a way that leaves a molecule with an odd, unpaired electron. But when weak bonds split, [such as the salt bonds in every other vitamin] free radicals are formed. Free radicals are very unstable and react quickly with other compounds, trying to capture the needed electron to gain stability. Generally, free radicals attack the nearest stable molecule, "stealing" its electron. When the "attacked" molecule loses its electron, it becomes a free radical itself, beginning a chain reaction. Once the process is started, it can cascade, finally resulting in the disruption of a living cell.
Some free radicals arise normally during metabolism. Sometimes the body's immune system's cells purposefully create them to neutralize viruses and bacteria. However, environmental factors such as pollution, radiation, cigarette smoke and herbicides can also spawn free radicals.
Normally, the body can handle free radicals, but if antioxidants are unavailable, or if the free-radical production becomes excessive, damage can occur. Of particular importance is that free radical damage accumulates with age.
Therefore, the vitamins you are taking that are helping with this, that, and the other, can actually be damaging to your health. 
Also, with the absorption rate being poor in vitamins, and the capsules containing the vitamins and minerals not dissolving in the body, they get left in our bodies. By switching to Oligo vitamins, you can loose weight as well, since there is nothing being left behind and just sitting in your body, taking up space. And by switching you can reduce many health risks, you are in danger of getting with out them. 

Just eating foods high in vitamins, your body still isn't able to absorb everything. Most of us don't chew the food long enough for those vitamins to even be released. This is why vitamins and supplements have become a part of staying active and healthy, we need them. So make the switch today! Don't wait another minute, and get seriously serious about your health! 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Holy Moley!!

So it has been ages since I have had a chance to sit down and relax...and of course write our blog! Many things have happened since the last time I wrote: we evacuated for hurricane Isaac, spent the week in Texas, came home to craziness, then Zach runs off to Virginia for battery school, then he comes back and has ASF half the week, we went to Biloxi to finally get his tooth, then he takes his rate exam, then I throw him a surprise birthday party, and today is his birthday and we are finally going to Zea's. 

Even though I gripe a bit about the military life, I have to say, I thoroughly enjoy it...however. When there is a hurricane heading right for us, and having this be our first hurricane predicted to hit on the 7th year anniversary of Katrina, 'those who be' won't let us leave! The military is only allowed to evacuate (mandatory) if the hurricane predicted to hit shores is at least a category 2. Isaac was the most stubborn hurricane EVER!! It was going to be this and then that, and then this Friday they tell us, we will know Monday at 10 am, when the evacuation call comes in. So excited to leave, and go home, and scared to stay, Zach and I start getting everything ready. We knew that once the call came in, traffic would be horrible so we wanted to be the first ones out and hopefully beat it. Parishes south of us were already under mandatory evacuations, and we were just so anxious to get going. We threw away all our food, brought everything in from outside, and got the car packed up with the kitty crates. Come Monday morning, they make Zach go to work as usual, only to sit around and wait til 10am for the call...then it's going to be 10:30, then noon...finally at 1pm they say "you are not going to have to leave, but if you want you can, this is not mandatory." SERIOUSLY!!! So now we were foodless, and all packed up, only not to have to leave. After an hour or so of debating on whether or not to leave, we decided to go ahead and go. I'm glad we ended up going, our parish was all over the news, with levees breaking all around, and everyone south of us having their houses flooded. Everyone we knew who stayed, ended up leaving because there was no power for over a week on base, and to much of the New Orleans area. Plus, we had a great visit home, not having to worry about any of it. We got back to our house Monday evening, safe and sound, and no damage done to our house. All the other houses around us, and in our fourplex, had water damage and had to have walls ripped out and replaced. We had a super hot and steamy house, with a freezer full of yucky unfrozen food, but no structural damage :) We got to hang out at the winery, and help bottle and label wines. Kelsie and I made a window sign for a Greek Week special, Haiden hung out with his grandparents. Haiden got to play with Augie, and Declyn. Zach, Kelsie and I made a floral peg board cover for the winery. We had a blast!! 

During the week we between Isaac and Zach going to Virginia, I cooked like whoa! 

Butternut Squash and Black Bean Burritos
2 TBS canola oil
1 small butternut squash, cut into 1/2 inch pieces
1 medium red onion, half chopped, half thinly sliced
1 15 oz can black beans, drained and rinsed
1 TBS chopped chipotle peppers
1 small bunch spinach, stems discarded, leaves coarsely chopped
6 oz Monterey Jack cheese, coarsely grated
4 large tortillas
2 TBS sour cream
2 TBS lime juice
1/2 head romaine lettuce, sliced into 1/2 inch strips

1. Heat 1 TBS of oil in large skillet over medium heat. Add squash, chopped onion and 1/2 tsp salt and cook, covered, stirring occasionally, until tender 10-12 minutes. 
2. Add the beans ad chipotle and cook, stirring occasionally for 2 minutes.  Add spinach and cook, tossing until it begins to wilt, 1-2 minutes.
3. Divide the cheese and squash/bean mix among tortillas and roll up to form burritos. Wipe out skillet and heat over medium heat. Cook the burritos, seam side down, until golden. 

Mexican Manicotti
1 lb ground meat
1 can refried beans
2-1/2 tsp chili powder
1-1/2 tsp oregano
1 pkg manicotti shells
2-1/2 cup water
1 jar (16 oz) picante sauce
2 cups sour cream
1 cup shredded mexican blend cheese
1/4 cup sliced green onions
add sliced ripe olives

In a bowl, combine uncooked beef, beans, chili powder, oregano. Spoon into uncooked manicotti shells, arrange in greased 13X9X2in dish. Combine water and picante sauce, pour over shells. Cover and refrigerate over night. Remove from fridge 30 minutes before baking, cover and bake 350 for 1 hour. Uncover, spoon sour cream over the top. Sprinkle cheese, onions and olives on top. Bake 10-15 minutes until the cheese is melted. 

Shrimp and Broccoli Stir-fry
1 cup brown rice
I large naval orange
2 tsp cornstarch
1/4 cup BBQ sauce
2 TBS soy sauce
1 bunch broccoli, stalks thinly sliced, and head cut into florets
1 TSB canola oil
1 lb medium peeled and deveined shrimp, if frozen thaw and pat dry.
2 scallions, thinly sliced

1. Cook rice.
2. Using vegetable peeler, remove 4 strips of zest from orange, thinly slice zest and set aside. Squeeze juice from orange into a small bowl; stir in cornstarch. Add BBQ sauce and soy cause, and stir to combine. 
3. Bring 1/2 cup water to simmer in a large skillet, add the broccoli and cook, covered, until tender. Using slotted spoon transfer broccoli to bowl. 
4. Wipe out skillet, then heat oil over med-high heat. Add shrimp and cook, stirring occasionally, until opaque throughout, about 3 minutes. Add soy sauce mix and simmer until thickened. Return broccoli to skillet and toss to combine. 
5. Fluff rice and fold in zest and scallions. Serve with shrimp/broccoli mix.

Vegetable and Three Cheese Stuffed Shells
16 Jumbo shells
2 cup marinara sauce
1 10 oz pkg frozen spinach, thawed
1/2 16 oz pkg frozen broccoli florets, thawed
1 15 oz container part-skim ricotta
2 oz Parmesan, grated
4 oz part-skim mozzarella, grated
2 TBS canola oil
1 TBS red wine vinegar
1 small head romaine lettuce, torn
1 seedless cucumber, sliced
1/2 small red onion, sliced

1. Heat oven to 400. Cook pasta according to package. Drain and rinse in cold water to cool. 
2. Spread the marinara sauce in the bottom of a large broiler proof baking dish. 
3. Squeeze spinach of extra moisture, roughly chop and place in bowl. Chop broccoli and add it to the bowl. Stir in the ricotta, Parmesan, 1/2 cup mozzarella, and 1/2 tsp each salt/pepper. Spoon mix into shells, and place on top of sauce.
4. Sprinkle with remaining 1/2 cup mozzarella and bake until the shells are heated through 10-12 minutes. Increase heat to broil. Broil shells until cheese begins to brown 2-3 minutes.  
5. Meanwhile, in bowl whisk oil, vinegar and 1/4 tsp salt/pepper. Toss with lettuce, cucumber and onion. Serve with shells. 

While Zach was off in Virginia going to battery school, and visiting the Zoo and awesome restaurants, Haiden and I worked on art projects. I have become OBsessed with owls, ever since we were picking out things for Haiden when he was still in my tummy. Owls are so huge everywhere these days, and who can resist the cute cuddley little critters? And in doing this, Zach and I came up with the plan to write children's books! Here are a few of the projects I worked on:


And as if, another sign was being thrown my way, Haiden made an owl at mommy and me
as the craft! That was the solidifying moment in which I decided to go for it and start trying our hands at children's books! I'm great with ideas and the art, and Zach is a rhyming genius, together we make the perfect team!! We have several ideas in mind and will start out with easy picture/fact books first and work on the bigger story lines in the mean time. We are super excited about this, so stay tuned for more details!

Zach FINALLY got his tooth!! So now after over a year, he has all his teeth!! We love Biloxi, and this time had a chance so check it out a bit, since the appointment got done later than we thought, Zach couldn't have made it back in time to go to work. We stopped by the visitor center and grabbed a few pamphlets on things to do in Biloxi and checked out the visitor museum as well. Then on our way home, decided to drive down the coast to Gulf Port. It was so nice and relaxing! The base in Biloxi, though an Air Force base, seems more like my idea of a Navy base than the one we live on. Their base it literally across this little beach road from the beach!! We are thinking of having a weekend day trip down there sometime, now that we don't get to visit any more for dentist appointments. 
Zach took his rate exam this last week, and he took the entire allotted time (3 hours) to double check everything and make any adjustments...after taking it he came here and felt nervous, but after he went to work and had a chance to talk to those who took it as well, he feels pretty confident that he made it!! This is still really nerve racking, even though the test is over, we still have to wait until sometime in November to know the results! This exam will make Zach go from an Airman to a Petty Officer!! I'm so proud of him, and all that he has been doing to excel in the Navy. So fingers crossed people! Even if he passes the exam, he may not rate up :/ They also have to have a spot open in that rate for him, and if they don't he may have to take the exam again, with only two more tries to rate up. The military as a whole, has changed up the rate exams, trying to clear the branches of military personnel. But I have faith in Zach :D 

Thankfully, after his exam, he got to relax a bit and while I tried to keep him out of the house on Saturday, I secretly (with the help of a few people) planned to have a surprise party for his birthday Tuesday! Even though he was so worn out and tired, from the exam stress, to ASF 13 hour shifts all that week, I convinced him to go to Habitat. Also I had a bit of help with one of his co-workers saying the guys were taking him out for a birthday lunch, so obviously he had to go! That day I finished cleaning up the house and cooked...all day!! I made some of his favorites, and some party snacks. With the communication of Zach's coworker, to his wife, to me, we ended up keeping Zach totally in the dark...almost!! So the time I asked everyone to get here was 5pm, so that he would come in to a house full of people. I needed him gone til then at least. So the Habitat guys took him out after for a birthday beer, and as they headed home, I asked them to grab drinks for the house, since people were still on their way to our house for the surprise. So around 6ish, Zach gets a text, from a guy I had invited, informing Zach he wouldn't be able to make it to his party. Quickly Zach's co-worker said, he was confused and texted Zach on accident, because another guy was also having a party, and that is who the text was intended for. 6:20 rolls around and I hear a key in the door...everyone ran to hide and I held the door knob, and when I opened the door and everyone yelled surprise, Zach lit up!! He was so happy and surprised, even though after that text Zach had an idea that I may have thrown him a party. But Zach was so surprised, asking over and over, how I did this, and he was happy all his friends were here. Then around 7, the guy who texted Zach showed up and we all gave him hell for it, lol. But all in all, Zach said, it was perfect. The perfect food, and drinks, the perfect amount of people showed up, and he had never had a surprise party before and was super happy!! 

Then for his actual birthday, we went to get the Avengers, and ate a nice dinner at Zea's Rotisserie Grill. All his birthday gifts were booze! Except for mine and Haiden's gift to him; a tool belt and work gloves. He ended up with Crown, and some Jamaican booze. Here are the recipes for some of the goodies I made for the party, that all are super easy and can be done in a few minutes each and either set aside to chill or eat right then! 

California Black Bean Dip

2 cans black beans, drained
2 cans corn, drained
1 cup ranch dressing
1/2 cup Italian dressing
2 tsp parsley/cilantro
1 tsp tobasco
1 tsp chili powder
1/2 TBS pepper
1 small chopped onion

Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Chill for an hour. Serve with tortilla chips.

People Puppy Chow

1/4 cup peanut butter
1 cup chocolate chips
1 stick of butter 
*Melt all these together

6 cup crispex
1-1/2 cup powdered sugar
*Mix chocolate mix with crispex with a spatula. Put in a trash bag, add the powdered sugar and toss. Check to make sure all crispex are coated, add more powdered sugar is needed. Let cool in refrigerator over night, or in freezer for 15 minutes.

Snickerdoodle Steelers Balls

*this recipe gets doubled*
1-1/2 cup flour
1 TBS cream of tartar 
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 cup butter at room temperature
1/4 cup backed brown sugar
1/4 cup sugar
1 large egg
1 TBS vanilla/almond extract 

First mix all the ingredients together, the mixture will be chunky and crumbly and that is ok. Set this batter mix to the side. Start on second batch: in a bowl, whisk together flour, cream of tartar, baking soda and salt. Using an electric mixer, beat the butter, brown sugar and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in the egg and vanilla. Reduce the speed to low and gradually mix in the flour, once that mix is mixed well, slowly add in the first batch. The whole mix will be slightly crumbly. Refrigerate over night. Set out to warm up a bit, about an hour before you bake. Heat oven to 350, and make small balls about 1 inch. Roll well until the balls aren't falling apart. Bake for 8 minutes, and check to see if they are set, and not doughy, add a few minutes until they are set balls. Take out of oven and let cool. 

For icing, use milk/heavy cream and powdered sugar. Use each to whatever consistency you desire. Add any food coloring to them, then once the balls have cooled enough for you to hold them, dip them in the icing. Let set and dip again for desired amount of icing. Add sprinkles and such once you have finished dipping to desired amount. The icing will set fairly quickly, so make sure you do a few and then add sprinkles, or else the icing will set and you will have to re-dip to add sprinkles. 

Raspberry Chocolate Cheese Cake
2-8oz crescent rolls
2-8oz cream cheese
1 cup sugar
1 tsp almond
1 container raspberries
1/2 cup chocolate chips
1 stick butter
1/2 cup sugar

Spray bottom 9X13 inch cooking pan. Cover bottom with 1 package of crescent rolls, pinch the seams together. Mix together cream cheese, sugar and almond until no lumps. Add in raspberries and chocolate chips. Spread mix over crescent rolls, and put the other package on top, pinching the seams together. Melt the butter and pour over the top. Add sugar and chocolate powder or chocolate chips. Bake 375 for 25-30 minutes. Serve warm or cold. 
Gouda Snacks
Use a crescent roll to cover an entire Babybel Gouda cheese, and bake according to package on the crescent rolls. Eat warm! 

Left Pizza: Canola oil and pesto for sauce. Broccoli, cauliflower, onions, mozzarella and feta cheese.
Right Pizza: Canola oil and pesto for sauce. Tomatoes, onions, bell peppers, turkey bacon, mozzarella and feta cheese. 
Both were made on the already made pizza crusts from the store. We have tried other tube doughs and this is by far the best dough we have used!! 

As far as Haiden goes, I have been taking him to the park on the nice breezy days, and he LOVES to swing and people watch. He is starting to finally get the crawling thing, and has started rocking back and forth on his knees, with the occasional up on all fours!! Hopefully crawling is in his future. He does lazy push ups right now, where he holds his entire top half up and kicks his legs out lol. He also rolls ALL over, either flipping back and forth side to side, or scoots on his back. So he is moving, just not anything that is going to get him walking soon lol. He is the wiggliest baby, and you can't hold him for more than ten minutes with out him wanting to get into stuff or go somewhere. I'm thinking that means he wants to crawl...just tell all of his limbs that lol. I also take him on a three mile walk almost every night, and I can tell my weight is finally coming off from being prego in leaps and bounds it seems. Hopefully in October, the weather will start staying cooler in the evenings so we can start our marathon training again, and also walking has helped me loose weight so I don't feel like an elephant stampeding down the track :).

Hope everyone has had a great September and we can't wait for October when we decorate for Halloween and order Haiden's costume!