Friday, November 9, 2012

Oh how time flies...

Things have gotten super busy around here lately that nothing around the house seems to be getting done, blogging included. 

Here is a little recap of our October...
Haiden turned 8 months old! 

Haiden started to crawl!

Haiden is starting to work on feeding himself!

It was Haiden's first Halloween!!! We did a family Star Wars theme :)

Haiden carved his first pumpkin...with absolutely zero interest. 

Haiden got to wear cute outfits all month long!

We made a scary picture at Mommy and Me

Haiden got in some epic play time with Daddy

Haiden started sleeping like a goob

Haiden's first pumpkin: the Angry Birds Pig

We decorated the house with homemade decorations

The Angello Clan was attacked by vicious zombies

We attended a baby shower, for a baby due right before Haiden's first birthday!

Haiden helped mommy pick out his pumpkin...I had to tell him these were too big.

Haiden enjoyed his first Halloween, trick-or-treating for candy for mommy and daddy!!

Haiden helped mommy out at the book fair, making her decorations come to life, with the help of some awesome ladies! And we also helped out at the book fair. 

Now it is already November! Morgan and Declyn have been in and out of the hospital these last few days. Declyn has RVS and a small bit of pneumonia, and has been admitted for three days now. I thank everyone who has had them in their thoughts, he is a tough little booger, but he does not feel well at all :( So please continue to keep them in your thoughts as he gets better and better, and hope that Morgan doesn't end up sick after this.

On a lighter note, Haiden is now 9 months old!!! I still can't believe he is so big already, and before we know it, he will be 1! 

He just started the Army Crawl last month, but already wants to get up and walk this month! He will scoot around until he can face us and slap our hands, until we hold them out so he can push up and stand. He does pretty well with making steps too! 

The Book Fair is over, and again, the librarians are too nice to me! They let me have Cloud Atlas and Following Atticus for just helping out so much! They really rock. And their awesomeness doesn't stop of the ladies, talked to the Assistant Principle and boasted about me and how much I help out, without having a child even attending the school. I was pulled to the side, during Family Night, to meet the Assistant Principle and was offered a job. Just like that. On the spot. I was asked to teach an enrichment program starting in January for 90 minutes, over any material I wanted!!! It's crazy, how much I have wanted things to start turning around and when I least expect it...BAM! I now have the grueling task of creating a resume :P Oh how I loath them, due to my dabbling over the years, I find it hard to make a resume not look like that's what I do. But with the help of friends and Zach, it should come along shortly. I also met some wonderful woman volunteers while working the Book Fair, and plan to get together with them soon. I'm making friends and making an impact here...finally!!! I also started a Crafty Wives group for the base, with a lovely woman I met volunteering, who is an amazing crafter and we already have so many ideas on what to do. I couldn't be more excited!!!!

Zach had his PRT and weigh-in which he passed with flying colors. He got home, and showed me this app they have now for Navy PRTs and it shows you how well you did based on how many push-ups, sit-ups you did as well as how fast you ran the 1.5 miles. He didn't realize he only had to do 5 more push-ups to get the highest rating of outstanding. He has gotten an excellent the entire time he's been in the Navy, which to me, IS outstanding. He gets to be put in a group of other excellent PRTers for PT, which he says is always fun and exciting. He has also taken on two huge tasks at work, that he is excelling in as well. And in two weeks we see if he rated up or not...I'm super anxious to see how well he did!! 

Tomorrow we will go down town to see Zach march in the Veteran's Day parade! Which is pretty cool. He is going to be exhausted with working security today and then again on Sunday, but it's all worth it in the end. Plus, he gets Monday and Tuesday off. AAAAnd we get free food Monday, for Veteran's Day, can't beat that! 

I hope everyone had an amazing and safe Halloween, and we can't wait til Thanksgiving, which is fast approaching. We get to go home and celebrate our thanks, with our family and friends...can't beat that either!