This month, a total of 2 and a half days, I have:
Burned almost 1000 calories in just two easy workouts.
Last month, the entire month, I:
Burned almost 2000 in ten workouts.
So nice weather I hope you stay a while, because 1. I'm loving this and 2. I NEED this!! :) Haiden is still getting used to our long mile, upon mile walks. Sometimes he hardly makes a sound, and other times he gets grouchy and fussy. Teething will not be the death of my workouts! hahaha.

After all that cutting, I doubt I will feel like working on the illustrations for our kids books. Maybe we will actually get some of the writing done soon. We have three easy picture books that are pretty much finished with the ideas, and the story books are just in the basic idea stage. We have pretty decent outlines of them, just setting the tone and the rhythm is going to be the difficult part. Hopefully, it will all just flow from our brains onto the page and we can get an idea of what illustrations we need. All of my illustrations were inspired by my recent paper owl posters, so that is where the cutting of paper may be on the back burner after I regain feeling in my fingers from these laminated games!
Morgan may be coming to visit on Friday, so that means a little business in getting the house together to have 2 babies and 3 Leopold's here!! Poor Zach lol. But we are excited to see Declyn and Morgan!!
Bee Pollen Smoothie
pinch of flax seed
1/2 Tbs bee pollen
8 oz grape juice
1 can pineapple rings, frozen
3 cubes watermelon/spinach puree
*this smoothie was very light and refreshing, not as sweet as I sometimes make them. it was the perfect end to a great sore workout.
Red Pepper Hummus
I am pretty much addicted to this! I randomly put it together and it is so delicious, we have a hard time putting it down.
1 can garbanzo beans
1/4 cup canola oil
half red pepper, sliced
cummin seeds
lemon juice
about 2 Tbs tahini
Topping: sliced tomatoes and feta
all of these ingredients without measurements are for you to change, based on your taste, plus I eyeball a lot of it when I make it
Rotel chicken and Veggies
2 chicken breasts cooked over med-high heat in a skillet on top of Rotel
cauliflower, corn and asparagus steamed to slightly crunchy-
drained and tossed with white wine and garlic
serve together with chicken sliced and add cooked Rotel if desired