Monday, October 1, 2012

October spectacular!

I can't get over how exciting today is! I just got word that the company I work for has been granted a patent for its revolutionary oligo technology! I am so proud to be part of a company that helps millions of people every day get and stay healthy. Plus the fact that it continues to be on the forefront of new and inventive ways to keep helping! 

Plus this month is starting off with awesome weather!! 'Knock on wood!' it stays, even if its just for a few days at a time. I love the fall, it's the anti-spring. This is when everything changes to get ready for winter. All the leaves change, and some fall off making way for new ones and different colors come spring. The wind picks up and there is actually a breeze, and the weather gets colder. People start the bundling process, in which knitted hats and scarves are the trendy things. All those colors and patterns and textures!! I love it!! There is no better season than fall, in my book. At least, living here, this is my favorite season. In the south...summer lasts too long, spring not long enough, and fall seems to blend into winter, with the occasional bone chilling days that rate a million times colder than an Ohio winter in my book. Even the food changes, and we get into the oober homey meals, that fill you up and make you feel like a stuffed pig...but they warm even your heart. They warm your heart with all those feelings of anticipation you had as a kid, and family togetherness. This is when all the holidays start piling up, and family comes out from under the logs, of school and business, to slow down and come together. The year slowly starts to make its end, and as things end they become bitter sweet. You want to savor this time of the year, but by the time its all said and done, it seems like you blinked and it is already over. So take extra care this year, make the time last. Spend an extra hour out side enjoying the weather. Spend an extra minute in the warm shower of the morning. Spend an extra day just watching your kids play. Spend an extra lazy Sunday in bed cuddling with your loved ones. Spend an extra meal together as a family. Play more games, put up more decorations, just live more. I want to live in a place that has fall, year round!!

Haiden is now 8 months old!! I can't believe it. We are still waiting very impatiently for his teeth to come. We are still waiting for him to crawl, even though his squirming around is hilarious to watch! Even though he gets more frustrated as he understands more around him, and can't quite get the point across to us, he is the happiest little guy. He is all smiles and laughs, and becoming increasingly more talkative every day. He loves to sing and babble with different toys jammed into his mouth.  
He makes us so incredibly happy all the time, it's hard to imagine life before he came along. He has been such a joy, from the moment we found out we were pregnant and every day since. I love my little minion!! I can't wait for his first round of holidays! We ordered his costume the other day, and I am so anxious to get it and put him in it. I can't wait to get to spend all day outside with him, because hopefully the mosquitoes won't be as bad! This is just a super exciting time for us as a family :)

With the onset of cooler weather, I am starting to train again for the half marathon. My goal is to be wearing my old clothes by the time we visit Texas again for Thanksgiving. I did my own version of CrossFit or Insanity last night, I ran up and down our stairs, and would do lunges, crunches and jumping jacks in between. Then I did weight lifting with dumbbells for arms, with crunches in between. Then I went outside again and did run/walk/sprint intervals around our street loop for about a mile. I felt like jello afterward...almost like a clay-mation character about to get squished into mush! Yet, it felt amazing!! I have been walking 3-4 miles at night and was so proud of myself for running the other night for one of those miles!! 

Post Workout Smoothie 
8 oz orange/pineapple juice
1/2 cup blueberries
1/4 cup apple sauce
pinch flax seed
three frozen cubes 1/2 watermelon/spinach puree
1 frozen pineapple ring

I'm also doing a ton of volunteer work this month, the book fair is back at the end of this month, and beginning of November, I can't wait!! I love volunteering and I love books! Tonight we are putting up Halloween decorations, I cannot wait!!! *runs around* I love love love love LOVE this time of year!! 

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