Monday, July 30, 2012

Half-Marathon training is ON!

I'm not sure if it's the fact that we are watching the Olympics, and everyone on the screen makes me feel so out of shape, or the fact that we got new shoes and Haiden is now 6 months old...but Zach and I have started our marathon training. It is a 12 week program, and the race is in February. I downloaded an app, and it was so misleading!! I got very frustrated. The app said the first day would go something like this: walk 30 seconds, jog 30 seconds, walk 60 seconds, jog 90 seconds. And since it has been OVER a year, since I have done any serious jogging (I have jogged here and there, but mainly ride my bike and walk), I wanted to start with a schedule I could actually keep up with. However, we walk to the track at 11am (holy spicolli it was freakishly hot!!) and I open the app, it says: warm up 5 minutes, jog 15 minutes, cool down 5 minutes. Um...I 1. just got new shoes and was going to try and break them in, 2. I CAN'T RUN! lol! Seriously, I thought I was going to pass out and just fall over the jogging stroller! It was pretty horrible, so I tried power walking for the "jogging" part after my new shoes said stop, and it was so horribly miserably hot! We are now going to run at night, and if this app keeps up the impossible, then I will have to get another one. My thought is, this is a training schedule, therefore I should accomplish each task every day, and if I'm not able to do even that, then it seems like I'm not advancing from day to day. It is more like advancing every couple of days, once I catch up with the days I didn't do the whole training. 
Zach and I both got a bit burned, and are good to go now, but again we will be running at night now, and if it rains, we can do the treadmills at the gym. I did stretching before and after the training and the again before I went to bed for the night, along with 200 crunches. This morning I feel a bit sore in my shoulders, I guess from the jogging stroller and I feel so tired. But, overall, I feel great!! 

July 29
Time: 1:07:02
Distance: 3.22 miles
Calories Burned: 238

Along with training, or I guess as part of it, we went shopping last night for groceries, and have made a few changes, but not many to our diet. I am going to only make desserts and sweets, when we have company, or for holidays. And we are trying to clean out the cupboards to make room for healthier food (ie better for fueling your body for long distance runs). 

Smoothies (my new ice cream substitute) 
16 oz 100 grape juice
1 peach sliced, frozen
handful of raspberries, blueberries, blackberries (each) frozen
6 large strawberries, frozen

Blend everything together in a blender, make sure all fruit is frozen. Do not add any more liquid, just blend well. Eat with a spoon :D

Fried Mozzarella (trying to clean out the kitchen)
Frozen egg roll, rolling paper, thawed
string cheese
1 TBS canola oil

Wrap up the string cheese in the egg roll paper, and place in a frying pan. Using a bit of oil fry each roll 3-5 min each side. If the cheese starts to really pour out, remove from pan to let cool. You want the cheese to just start to pour out, to know they are done. 

We only get one of these a day lol, but they are delicious!!

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