Thursday, June 7, 2012

Post Medical


Zach had his surgery Monday. Here is a picture of the first installment of his implant: the screw. The surgery took about 1 hour and he just got numbing shots. For the rest of the week he is on a liquid diet, but had Chinese food since lo mein is soft, yesterday. He is doing well, the pain is almost all gone by now, which is good since they barely gave him any pain meds!  So now we wait 6 months for it to fully heal and he gets the actual tooth!! We are very excited this is finally getting underway. Thanks for all your thoughts of his healthy recovery. 


Haiden did amazing at getting his 4 month vaccinations. He cried only because he was sleeping and when I set him down, he woke up cranky. But as soon as the shots were over he was happy again and wanted to go back to sleep. He slept for most of Tuesday and Wednesday, and is now a super happy baby!

He is 14 lbs now, and 26 inches long! He was born in the top 97th percentile and is now at the bottom percentile :/ He isn't getting very fat at all!! Which I don't mind, because he is already so heavy!! But the doctor said as long as he is eating and is growing, he is ok. Plus he should be double his weight by 6 months, and I'm betting that in the next two months he can easily gain another 2 pounds. Also, around this time he should be hitting a growth spurt, which is why he has been waking up at 4 am, on the dot the last two weeks...he is hungry! We have opted to keep him on a breast milk only diet and not start solids until he is 6 months. 

Here is Haiden sleeping after he got home from his shots. He sleeps with his eyes open, just like me! :D

Zach and Haiden sleeping. Zach day 2 after surgery, and Haiden day 1 of getting his shots.

As for his head...we have yet to hear back from the doctor about getting a helmet. They said that his head still looks flat, and doesn't seem to be getting any better, but they aren't sure of the next step. They don't know who to direct us to, either a surgeon, or a pediatrician. I called today, since it's been 2 days since we went to the doctor, and I thought I would have heard something Tuesday. Hopefully we will hear from them soon and that way we can all be put at ease with getting this issue resolved.

Here is a bird's eye view of Haiden's head. You can see how it is flat on the back right side...but it is also starting to push out in the front, on his forehead above his right eye. It is almost as if someone took a circle and squished it to be like a square, and it ended up being a slanted oval. 


I had a three day headache, that finally went away yesterday after having slept all day. Now Zach is back to work and I am cleaning the house and getting rid of things, hardcore for an on base garage sale next weekend. I'm very excited about this!! We had anticipated having a garage sale every 4 years before we move to our next duty station, but found that things we had stored to sell in our storage unit down stairs were getting moldy :/ So I am having to clean all of those things very intensely as well as collect more things to de-clutter the house. I am selling plants as well, since my plants have gone crazy and made a bazillion babies!! I am hoping this will be something the base will do every few months, at least so we don't have to store unnecessary things in the house. 

The gas has been out for a few days now, and since Zach is on a liquid diet I have been ordering out, hopefully this will be over soon and we can get back to cooking!! 

For now I made Zach a breakfast smoothie yesterday:
8 oz soy milk
1 banana
2 Tbs peanut butter
1 scoop chocolate protein shake
1 Tbs honey
1/2 cup of dry oats

It is one of my favorite smoothies! 

I also made him eggs via the microwave since we don't have use of our stove:
Prep time: 1 minute
Cook time: 45 to 60 seconds
Makes: 1 serving

2 eggs
2 Tbs milk
2 Tbs shredded cheddar cheese (I sprinkled Parmesan instead)
Salt and pepper (I did not use at all)
Cooking spray

1. Coat 12 oz coffee mug with cooking spray. Add eggs and milk; beat until blended.
2. Microwave on high 45 seconds. Stir. Microwave until eggs are almost set; 30-45 seconds more.
3. Top with cheese; season with salt and pepper.


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