Thursday, February 7, 2013

Haiden turns ONE!

Last year, January went by excruciatingly slow, waiting for Haiden to get here...then the 29th, finally came and we welcomed our son into the world. So this year, was our first year with Haiden, and January went by before I knew what was happening. 
January is typically when all the holiday decorations come down, everyone recovers from the previous year, and end of year festivities...we just have to do that aaaand plan a birthday party. It doesn't seem like a lot, and maybe it isn't, but this is the month where everything had to be planned out to the letter, to make sure everything that needed to get done, got done. 
So after Haiden and I got back from Texas, I started on 2013, cleaning year! I organized our storage unit: broke down boxes, got rid of about half the clutter, organized all the holiday decorations, and voila, the storage unit looks amazing!! 
Then onto Haiden's room: he has been playing with the blinds, we we had to move the bed, and that ended up turning into rearranging the whole room, and I put his book shelf in his closet, since he wants to take off all his books to read them any chance he gets. By moving his book self into the closet, I had to clean up all our documents, we keep in there, which took longer than I thought it would. In the end, everything turned out great! 
There always seems to be so much work to do on the house, but this is the year we try to get it in super awesome order. 
Throughout the weekdays, I had been going to one or two places to check out goodies for Haiden's Duck Themed party. 

Before I knew it the 29th was here, and we were celebrating Haiden's first birthday with just mommy, daddy and Haiden, plus all the birthday present's from the family. 

After having practiced opening presents for Christmas, twice, he was a pro this time. He helped open all his presents and he even guessed what two of them were before opening them! Some thing that I found to be adorable and awesome, was that Haiden could say ever present he got, except clock, but he tried and it was priceless! 

Of course, after presents is CAKE time! This is what Zach had been waiting for...Haiden demolishing the cake. 

Haiden, did not demolish his cake, nor did he know what to do with it. Zach helped him try to get into it by running his hand through the cake. This had zero effect on Haiden's reaction to the cake. We finally settled on just giving him a piece of the cake...which he thoroughly enjoyed. In one picture, you can see that he is looking over the edge of his tray for more cake :). Zach also gave him a little bit of his ice cream, which Haiden played with for a second before devouring it. Though this didn't turn out exactly how we had envisioned it, it was still priceless! And whether Haiden remembers this in the future is of no concern to me, because I know that on this day, in these moments, he was loved, and he had a blast! 

Happy First Birthday Haiden Eli!! 
<3 Mommy and Daddy!!!

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