Friday, January 11, 2013

A new year, brings new things!

November 2012:
So as everyone knows the holidays can be super busy, that goes for us! I have a New Year's resolution to get more organized with our family...which includes cleaning up the house on a regular basis, planning outings every month for Haiden, blogging more, and keeping in touch with all our friends.

Now I have a few moments of peace, Zach got home early from work and is taking a nap, as is I am putting cleaning on hold to sit down for a few minutes and tell everyone what's been going on.

In all honesty November is a blur...sad but true, my mom brain has been going a million miles a second with the start of 2013 that I'm lucky if I remember what happened last week!

I do know that Haiden is growing like a weed! He is still 'army' crawling at this point, and no teeth yet. But, with the amount of cranky-sleepy-drooliness they are well on their way. His hair is getting so long that by the end of the month, it has lost its ability to be his trademark crazy hair and now lays in a perfect comb over, if left untouched. He is also becoming increasingly mobile, we set him down in one place, turn around and he's half way across the house! We practice walking with him, and he takes giant steps that are adorable, but look like he's walking on the moon and not Earth.

We go to go home again this year for Thanksgiving, and we got to hang out with my old college roommate and her sister, who I hadn't seen in about 6 years!! It was a great change of pace for us, we all hung out and went out and of course drank some wine. We met some new awesome friends, Haiden got to see some old friends, we helped out at the winery, and over all had a great Thanksgiving with our wonderful family, and extended Albanian family!!

November was a great month of giving thanks and being able to spend time with our family! Then it was back home to NOLA to get ready for Christmas!!

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