Friday, January 11, 2013

January, how art thou...

January brought fun times, even if Haiden and I were in Texas for New Years and didn't see Zach for a few days...

We celebrated my dad's birthday, played with Tiny and May, got to see Shibby, wore tons of cute and new outfits from Christmas, took a family friend out to dinner, I hung out with Volvo, celebrated New Years, and learned tons of new things.

After the two weeks we spent in Texas, Zach was amazed at how much Haiden learned...
- Haiden can now say 'blue' and 'yellow' and most of the time distinguish between the two
- He is now standing up and sitting down when asked to
- He grapples around from one piece of furniture to another
- He blinks when asked
- He can make legit kisses, if not that frequently
- He says 'fish'
- He knows the sounds of numerous animals
- He plays peek-a-boo on his own, you just have to know that's what he's doing in order to play along
- He plays an 'up-down' game, where you say 'up' 'down' and he will stand up and sit down as many times as you say
- He helps you get himself dressed, by pushing his arms and legs into clothes, as well as sitting very still with his arms up for you to remove his shirts 
- He will eat pretty much anything set in front of him, as well as beg by standing next to you while you eat saying 'ma-ma-ma' meaning 'more more more'
- He will sign a few things here and there, but knows the meaning of most signs we sign to him
- He finally crawls on his hands and knees

That was seriously everything he just picked up in those two short weeks. He mimics people so easily, I've never seen a baby do that. Once you show him something maybe three times, he will do his best to imitate it. 

Haiden has also FINALLY sprouted a tooth!! One glorious tooth, that by the looks of it, is very crooked...but it is there and we couldn't be happier! He loved finger foods now, and will put anything small enough in his mouth to eat. 

I can't believe that he will be ONE by the end of the month...we have so much to do to get ready for it, I hardly know where to begin. 

So here's to 2013!!!! May it all be glorious to you, as it is already proving to be glorious for us! <3

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