Thursday, July 5, 2012

Declyn Chase Leopold

When we got to Texas this last month, we were welcomed with an amazing nephew Declyn Chase Leopold was able to finally come home from the hospital after being born 10 weeks premature!! 

 Holding Declyn, he is finally home!!

Zach was obsessed! He wanted to hold Declyn, feed him, tickle him. It was adorable! This is the fist time Zach is meeting his nephew!

I've been wanting to designate a blog just for Declyn after everything we went through to see him get here safely. And now that he is home, and we are finally settled back in NOLA, I figured now is a perfect time (as long as Haiden stays asleep!)

The story/ordeal begins with my sister calling me, to tell me she keeps laughing and "wetting her pants"...I immediately freak out, of course, and start asking her all these questions about whether she thinks it is actual urine, or not. Since my water broke in a very anti-climactic dribble for hours before they had to go in and re-break my water, I thought it could be something genetic and Morgan's water had broken; she's not just peeing herself! So after a three-way call with our mom, Morgan decides to go to the hospital ER, just to be on the safe side. Meanwhile I am literally freaking out, running all over the place, trying to decide whether or not I should be packing. Two hours later I get a call from Morgan, saying her test came back undecided as to whether her water broke and she was being admitted to the hospital to be monitored. She is beginning to get nervous because she is potentially going into labor 10 weeks early. I decide right then and there to finish packing up the car, and Haiden and I head to Texas May 1st at 10pm. I drove all night long, talking to Morgan about what is going on, and since her phone was on the verge of dying, I had to be the go between for my mom (who was taking Morgan's graduation trip with our aunt to California, since Morgan was pregnant and didn't want to travel), my dad who had to work in the morning and was at his second job (the winery), Kelsie who was studying for finals and having a minor freak out about possibly not graduating, and Zach who was waiting up until Haiden and I made it safely to Texas. 

Luckily, Haiden slept the entire trip and we made it to College Station, Texas, at 5:30am, and went straight to the hospital where Morgan had been moved into Labor and Delivery. At this point, we found out her water had broken but she was not in active labor (no contractions), and was going to have to be on bed rest. She thought she would eventually be able to go home and do the bed rest there, but I figured since her water broken, she wasn't going any where, for a long, long time. The nurses told us that they would do everything in their power to stop any active labor from happening. Morgan had a 48 hour window of 'who know's', and if she still hadn't gone into labor by then, then this was most likely going to be a long trek, in bed, waiting until she became full term...or went into active labor and they couldn't stop it.

This was all a scary waiting game, Morgan was due July 25th, and here is was May 2nd, and her water broke. Now, there is no scientific knowledge for what eventually makes a woman go into labor, but we think there may have been a stress factor to Morgan's early labor. She found out a few days before that the nannying job she had for over a year, was letting her go June 15th and not wanting her back after the baby was born. This made our entire family furious, because of the way they handled the situation and because of the stress it would put Morgan under, while she was pregnant. Plus, our mother had just left for Ohio and California for a week, Kelsie was graduating in a week and a half, and since mom was gone, dad had to work full time at his government job and then at the winery afterward; luckily, I was able to be with her. But on the third day I was visiting her, I was told by some mean nurse that I could no longer come up to the hospital because Haiden wasn't allowed, unless he was Morgan's baby. This ordeal caused Morgan even more stress since literally no one else was able to come up and visit, our dad was the only one in town and he was too tired after working all day to come up and see her, until the weekend. I asked to see the superior of this nasty nurse, and she came in to tell me, there was nothing she could do, rules are rules and I had to leave. So I again asked...well at this point I was furious, to see the next up superior. At this point Morgan was in tears, not wanting to be left alone and not wanting the drama added to an already stressful situation, she was telling me to go ahead and just leave. The mean nurse was telling Morgan to calm down and that she didn't need to be upset because it wasn't good for the baby, I seriously almost punched her, I was fuming!! If they didn't want to make Morgan upset, they should have just left the issue alone. So after an hour or so of waiting, and me refusing to leave, the Head of Nurses for the hospital came in the room and said that the reason there was an issue was because the night before I had fallen asleep in the chair watching TV with Morgan; mind you, she hadn't been sleeping at all (which is hard enough when you are being poked and prodded every hour or so) and she finally had gotten a good nights sleep. I told the Head Nurse it was an accident, and that there was no one who could be here with Morgan and no one at all to watch Haiden, and he was still so young, he chilled in the bed with Morgan or was in his stroller...not like a toddler running around being in the way and reeking havoc. She said that she understood, and maybe if I had "visiting hours" that would work, so the nurses had an idea of when I would be there with Haiden. And so it was decided that I could only visit Morgan from 2-5 every day. I wouldn't pump though until about 4:45 so I could stay an extra half hour or so :) 

Since Morgan's water broke unexpectedly, I spent the rest of most days running errands for Morgan and seeing people while I was in town for who knew how long. I had already been planning to leave NOLA that next weekend to come to Texas for a week for Kelsie's graduation and be back in NOLA for Mother's Day, but now I had no idea how long I would stay. I didn't want to leave and have to turn right around and head back in case things turned for the worse. 

Morgan had a friend, Chelsea, who was planning one of Morgan's showers for June 1st, come up to the hospital almost every day in the morning, and we made plans to do a belly cast and fun stuff while Morgan was tied up in bed. At this point, they were still letting her get up and go to the bathroom, but bed rest the rest of the time. I thought this was strange, because when my water broke, I wasn't having contractions and was only dilated 1 cm, and they wouldn't let me out of the bed at all. 

  Morgan playing with Haiden in the hospital while on bed rest. 
Morgan's belly cast! I was jealous since I never got around to doing this with Haiden. At this point she was supposed to be on bed rest with no bathroom privileges, and we maaaay have gotten in trouble because we had her stand up to do this, and then riiiight before we were finished, the nurse walked in and "yelled" at the bottom got a bit wrinkled, but it turned out great!! 

Mom finally got back into town around May 11th, and so far Morgan was still on bed rest with her water leaking the entire time, but there still hadn't been contractions yet. She did pass some clots, which the nurses told us was normal since she was bed ridden, but it freaked the bajeebus out of me!! May 12th, was Kelsie's graduation and it was super nerve wracking, since our entire family was heading to San Marcos for the event, and if anything happened we would all be hours away! Morgan was super bummed she couldn't go, as was Kelsie. I texted Morgan the entire time, keeping tabs on her, and we Skyped the graduation with her. When we got home we headed to the hospital to check up on Morgan, and everything was still going good. Kelsie opted to stay in San Marcos and finish packing up and saying goodbye to her college friends and sorority sisters; she planned to come home on the 15th of May. 

Morgan was so restless, and having mini-break downs about how much she just wanted to go home. She is not used to just sitting around and is always on the run, so this was torture for her. It was all just a waiting game, trying to at least get her to 37 weeks, and she was admitted at 27 weeks. Zach was missing us like crazy, and Haiden was becoming a demon, not being used to not having his schedule and night rituals. Everyone was getting stressed out and worn out. May 13th, was Mother's Day, my first Mother's Day and we spent the evening in the hospital with Morgan.
Mom brought back an Eeyore (Morgan's favorite Winnie the Pooh character) from Ohio for the baby, and Haiden loved him! Check out mom's shirt! hahaha

May 15th, I had just woken up when I get a call from Morgan saying, "I'm getting ready to have an emergency C-section." I freaked out and said, "Tell them to wait!! I'm on my way!" Meanwhile, mom was hurrying to finish typing an email saying she had to leave work, I called Debbie, my mother-in-law and asked if she could meet me up at the hospital since I didn't know if I was going in the room with Morgan or not, and someone needed to watch Haiden. I called dad and told him to leave work and head to the hospital. And I told Kelsie to leave San Marcos and come home asap, luckily she was already on the road a ways. Debbie met me up at the hospital and took Haiden as I rushed into Morgan's room right as they started to wheel her back, and I asked what was going on and asked if Morgan and the baby were ok. They said, she had started to have contractions earlier in the morning and that the baby was breech (upside down) and since Morgan had already been leaking fluid for over two weeks, and her body hadn't replenished enough, they wouldn't be able to turn the baby around on their own, plus his heart rate was dipping. 
Morgan said she was ok, and looked super calm. They made her drink this "nasty" black muck as she was being wheeled out, and she choked on it and was gagging on that point I saw how scared she was and I started bawling. Here was my little sister, having a baby, only four months after me and having to have major surgery!! They said it should take an hour and we would be able to see her, but it seemed like forever. Mom got to go in the room with her and be there for her for the surgery, meanwhile forgetting she had the camera and didn't take any pictures. Morgan was so loopy she was making mom nervous because she would go in and out, and squeeze mom's hand and then go limp, along with talking gibberish. Almost two hours later mom came into the waiting room, to tell us (dad, Kelsie, me, Debbie, Dana (my sister-in-law), Haiden and Dan (the pastor at our church), that Morgan was in recovery and Declyn Chase Leopold was born and doing well, and we would be able to see them in a while.
Dad and I got to go in the recovery room and see Morgan first, she looked pale, but good. She was already in pain and they were switching out her sheets from the surgery. She wanted to see Declyn so bad, but she wasn't going to be able to see him until the next day, when she could get up out of bed and walk around, since they couldn't wheel her entire hospital bed into the NICU and Declyn couldn't come out of the NICU because of the risk of germs. Morgan then told us that she would have to have C-sections from here on out if she had any more kids, because Declyn was so small, upside down in her uterus and way up near her rib cage, that they cut her uterus vertically instead of horizontally. 

After we all got to see Morgan, we were ready to see Declyn, so we went down to the NICU hand washing station to wash up, only to be told, Mom and Dad and Morgan were the only ones allowed to see Declyn alone. Everyone else had to wait to see him with Morgan, because Morgan had to know who was seeing the baby and only blood relatives were allowed to see him...pretty sure Kelsie and I are blood relatives to our sister!! They gave Mom and Dad these bracelets to let them go in and see him, without Morgan having to be there, which they couldn't take off until he was out of the hospital (why we couldn't have gotten them, is beyond me, I still don't understand that rule).

< Here is the first picture of Declyn Chase Leopold, my nephew!!
Born: May 15th, 2012
Weight: 3 lb 8 oz
Length: 15 1/4inches 
Due: July 25th, 2012

Declyn had to undergo UV light treatments twice over the course of three days for jaundice. Most babies are born with a slight case of jaundice, Haiden was, but most preemies have to undergo the UV light treatments.
Morgan having skin on skin time with Declyn (2 days old) and seeing him for the first time.
He was on Oxygen for only two days, which was a relief, but still needed a feeding tube through his nose.               
Declyn with the Oxygen tube in his nose and the feeding tube is in his belly button.
Once he was off Oxygen they were able to remove the tube from his nose 
and replace it with his feeding tube.


Since Declyn was born premature, there is a support group through the hospital, called Preemie Prints, and Morgan was now a part of that group. Morgan had met one of the ladies' in charge of the club while she was on bed rest before Declyn was born, and they gave her an awesome goodie bag, with preemie pacifiers and onesies, as well as some preemie literature. Morgan also gets free photography for one year for Declyn and here are some of the first pictures she got done, via Preemie Prints! ^
Because it took so much out of Declyn to be moved around, and he was burning tons of calories just to be held, Morgan was only allowed to hold him once a day, for a few minutes. After he gained more weight and was finishing his feedings he was able to be held longer, and eventually Morgan was able to hold him and feed him every feeding.

 Declyn got an eye infection while in the NICU, which they still aren't exactly sure why he got it, but it cleared up after a few days and didn't end up being a big issue. 
This is the first time I'm getting to see Declyn and I am amazed at just how small he is, the pictures from the day before didn't do him justice...he is so super titty bitty!! Declyn 2 days old

This was Declyn a day or two before he came home from the hospital. In order to come home he had to be jaundice free (which cleared up after the first few days), not be on Oxygen (he was off Oxygen by May 17th), have the feeding tube out (his tube came out June 10th), and he had to be able to finish every drop of his bottles, which he was fed 8 times a day, as well as finish them in a timely manner (under 30 minutes). He came home June 20th, after spending a little over a month in the hospital's NICU. He weighed 5 lbs 15 oz, and was 18 inches long. When we got to Texas June 19th around 1am, no one was home...well my mom and dad were, as well as our aunt and grandpa, but I didn't want to wake them up. I called Kelsie and she said she had watched a movie with friends, and was on her way home. Morgan said she was up at the hospital visiting Declyn, because it was a 24 hour service for her, since she was the mommy...I thought this was a bunch of malarkey, and thought she was out hanging with friends. I ended up calling my aunt, who had just gotten into bed and she came out to greet us and finally meet Haiden. I would come to find out that Morgan had in fact been up at the hospital, spending the night, getting everything ready for Declyn to come home the next day and surprise us!! (Well everyone else knew what was going on, and it was a surprise for the Angello clan...I started squealing and bawling I was so surprised and happy that he was finally able to come home!!) 
Aunt Megan, now a double great aunt, meets Declyn (and Haiden) for the first time!

On June 27th Declyn had an appointment with an eye specialist, in Houston, to make sure his retinas were attaching properly, this is a common issue with preemie babies, and everything looks fine. He also has a hernia, which is also a common problem that preemies encounter, and it should end up healing on its own. 

So far so good. Morgan had her 6 week check up and is doing very well, her stitches came out a week after her surgery and she is healing up nicely. Declyn is finally home and doing well, almost two months old, and still over two weeks from his due date :) 


  1. He is SO precious, and I LOVE the name (we are actually considering it, with an A instead of a Y). <3

    And Haiden is just a clone of you!

  2. Morgan stole the name from me! Lol!! I wanted Declan McClain, but we decided to do the boys with 'H' names and the girls with 'Z' names. But I love the classic feel of it! But she said she just had a vision of his name, and the middle name she picked was a negative to everyone so she changed it :) None of the baby names I had always wanted and had picked out since I was 16, are going to be our baby's names. I got Aiden at least in a way, but Aiden Angello was a no go :/ And Zach didn't really like any of the names :(

    - Aiden Sinclair (Haiden Eli)
    - Aurora Rene' (Zea Rene')
    - Declan McClain (Holden Emrick)
    - Willow Rhayne
    - Langley Holden
    - Nandina Era (Heavenly Air)

    Can you tell I'm a hippie! lol

    People are saying now, that Haiden is looking a little like me, but I swear, sometimes he makes a face and it's like I'm time traveling back to see Zach as a baby (which he looks JUST like him from baby pictures).

    ps. When does baby fever go away?!?!?! Maybe I should be banned from watching It's a Baby Story on TLC lol!!!
